Astrology Readings
And Group Offerings

Your Journey Begins Here
We have each come into this world with a quest to discover, explore, and finally master our own unique purpose.
I have curated a variety of astrology consultation packages and group offerings geared towards helping you to uncover your “Cosmic Mandate”. The organic seed knit into your soul at the moment of your birth.
My work is for you if:
You are prepared to be catalyzed on your soul journey.
You know that you are in the midst of a great cosmic game, and you are ready to play it FULL OUT.
You are ready to meet HOW the Archetypes are living through you NOW, and you are open to cultivating a rewarding & powerful NEW relationship with them and yourself.
You know that my Channel reaches frequencies beyond the chart, and you trust me to hold your session in whatever form it takes.
My work is NOT for you if:
You are looking for a mundane, non transformative astrology reading.
You are deeply attached to specific placements in the chart.
You are deeply attached to outdated patterns, and are unwilling to look at them.
You are unprepared for the process of discovery, and exploration.
You are NOT open and receptive to the process of alchemy and transmutation.
Please read the “About a Session” page here for more info on my approach and general pricing info.
If you are ready to trust the mystery and jump right in, fill out the form below and we will begin the scheduling process.
If you are someone who appreciates a well laid out menu, with lots of options and information, click the button below to be taken to the Offerings Directory.
Multi-Session Packages available. See Directory
Schedule Now
For all one on one work, please read the “About a Session’ Page here, which makes important distinctions about my session style and provides general pricing information. Then fill out the inquiry form and submit it. We schedule the focus of the session and the session type BEFORE you pay. If you don’t see the type of session you are looking for, that’s no problem, let’s connect and create a custom package to suit your needs.
*Special package prices and payment plans are available for multi-session work.