Understanding the Moon’s Role in our Lives
Art by DarkKnot Illustrations
Understanding the Moon’s Role in our Lives. _Episode Below
As my work as an Astrologer has evolved I began to sensitize my body to the cosmic energies.
Learning to tune myself to subtle fluctuations in the field.
This is not to say I am especially psychic or more intuitive than anyone else.
This is the cultivation of a years long practice. I found interpretation is more accurate when I’m sitting in the energies I’m attempting to translate.
I’ve found that most of the time, the combination or “music” of the celestial symphony hums along at a pretty neutral pace. There is always some interference, just like a record player.
That interference arises because I’m tuning into the field. At that moment, im listening to both, the organic (celestial matter) and the inorganic (inter dimensional forces).
The organic, though at times extremely unpleasant, still resonates to a particular eight count note structure. Or, in other words, it vibrates across a particular octave.
The inorganic comes through not on an octave, but as a discordant force, that both distorts and obscures the organic.
While this is something that exists all the time, there are specific moments that the volume gets turned up on the inorganic frequency, and it resounds louder than the organic.
One way of putting this is like looking at is like a picture on tv that all of the sudden becomes distorted, sometimes even inverted.
When this happens, it’s always caused by an interference in the frequencies.
Our bodies are tuned to the organic.
So when the interference pattern begins to move through, it can feel frenetic and dissonant in the body.
That’s always, to me, a sign that an attempt at high-jacking is happening.
Even in the worst moments after Tanner’s death, while I was in shock, that experience resounded to the organic.
When the inorganic frequency increases,
This comes with a sense of fear and hyper vigilance in the body, because, as you can imagine, the field around us isn’t resonating to the forces organic to our realm. It is instead both resisting, and being invaded by, the inorganic.
The main sense making receptor for frequency, both the organic and inorganic is obviously the mental channel. Like an antenna, this is where we first pick up, and distribute the signal.
Based on the filters we have in place, it is then sent through our personal field in a variety of different ways.
Why am I saying this?
This month in SkyDancer, we are in the third eye chakra ruled by the moon.
The Moon rules the function of making the unconscious, conscious. And the channels consciousness runs along, between our knowing, and the unknown.
The Moon is almost always mediating this process. All the time in the background. The moon holds the matrix in place. It is a pattern generating machine. It’s what holds all of the automatic, unconscious, responses in tact. It is the realm of images, and archetypes.
When we work with the Moon. What we are doing is attempting to break the hypnotic hold it has on our lives. This hypnotic hold “soothes”. It’s a way of soothing our experience of life.
However, this is purely psychological.
Everything exists across many layers and dimensions.
The Moon also has a metaphysical function.
It helps to protect the earth, the way a mother does, from the inorganic. She is the veil of reality. This is why we often see the Mother, Veiled.
During eclipses, it has long been understood that her “protection, or veiling” shifts, and the veil is pulled back.
That eclipses literally open the veil. They allow in, what is normally kept out.
World changing, evolutionary forces. Karmic or fated events begin to move through.
The balance of light and dark is equalized.
One theory of eclipses sees it as portal opens, and evil, anti-thriving forces have an easier time getting in.
Right now, the battleground is the unconscious.
What “they”, the inorganic forces, are fighting for, is our consent. Conscious or unconscious. It doesn’t matter.
Cosmically when the veil gets pulled back, and we are shown very clearly.
All of the propaganda we see crop up at this time, is to convince you that what you see clearly, is not what actually what you see.
It is to create a false veil. Additional Links to Youtube Video on show notes.